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 Policy and Research

The SMI produces authoritative research and policy papers on issues pertinent to humanitarian risk and security. 

Professional Development Briefs

The Professional Development Briefs are a series of briefs produced by SMI which focus on topics of critical interest to the security and risk management community. They follow a standardized outline, offering practitioners an overview of key definitions and conceptual issues, the evolution of the topic, main debates and forward looking perspectives. They do not offer original research, but by providing a ‘lay of the land’, these documents aim to clarify and inform the risk and security management community.

SMI publications are available to download.



Papers presented under "Perspectives" introduce original contributions and points of view on risk and security management of non-profit aid organisations. They are not authored by SMI, nor necessarily represent the point of view of SMI, but are issued by SMI as interesting contributions to the debate on risk and security management of non-profit aid organisations.

SMI publications are available to download


Legal Liability Research Project

This research project had two tracks. On the one hand, it looked at current practice in the aid sector. On the other, in cooperation with A4ID, it obtained legal reviews from law firms in five countries.

This research led a to a policy paper written by Edward Kemp and Maarten Merkelbach, Can you get sued? Legal liability of international humanitarian aid agencies toward their staff  (SMI, 2011).

It concludes that the aid and development sector’s risk and security management is subject to the same basic legal ground rules and responsibilities as any other enterprise. It is mandatory, not optional. It is not only an operational issue, it is a governance issue. NGOs’ undertaking risk and security management need to take this into account.

This publications is available to download.

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Analysis of Security System Design & Function

A research project by Christopher Finucane,, in cooperation with the Centre for Refugee and Disaster Response, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, and the Security Management Initiative (SMI) of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP).

This project builds on the academic and policy literature that examines aid organization responses to security risk challenges. In collaboration with participating aid organizations, documentation on risk and security management will be collected and reviewed; this will be complemented by structured interviews. The study will be directly relevant to – and for the benefit of – aid organizations, policy makers, donors and other stakeholders by presenting a comprehensive analysis of the different types of systematic approaches designed and implemented by the organizations both institutionally and in various operational contexts.

To register your interest in participating in this study, please click here to complete our on-line registration form.